1/23/2023 - Extended
FEATURE 3rd Party | New Third Party Alert | ThirdPartyEnrichment DDB TTL | Terraform - 6:13:52 PM
Description: Infrastructure update was made so that the Third Party enrichment pipeline will be able to create findings once new third parties are appended to a role’s trust policy.
Case ID: INT-2337
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Internal
Default Audit only if assume role exists - 8:54:08 AM
Description: N/A
Case ID: INT-2273
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default
FEATURE CIEM | Suggestions for SAML users | Models - 11:50:46 AM
Description: create relevant models and interfaces to the service.
Case ID: INT-2196
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default
FEATURE CIEM | Suggestions for SAML users | Infra - 11:49:53 AM
Description: Ecs service with SQS and bucket notification
Case ID: INT-2195
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default