IMPROVEMENT Webserver - allow removing intelligence and guardduty - 8:44:12 PM
Description: Allow offboarding from GuardDuty separately from Intelligence
Case ID: INT-2452
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: API, Internal, UI
IMPROVEMENT UI - Create remove button to Guard duty - 8:44:40 PM
Description: Add remove GuardDuty button
Case ID: INT-2451
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: UI
FEATURE create text based GSL Filter component - 6:12:50 AM
Description: add GSL text filter
Case ID: INT-2393
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default
FEATURE CIEM | AWS | Effective Remediation - Remediation Bot - 1:47:28 PM
Description: A bot to run in case CIEM suggestion should be applied.
Case ID: INT-2362
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Alerts
IMPROVEMENT log type column adjustments (in mysql s3bucket table) - 8:45:56 PM
Description: Separate GuardDuty onboarding and offboarding from Intelligence
Case ID: INT-2227
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: API, Internal, UI