3/16/2023 - Extended

IMPROVEMENT 3rd Party | Trust Policy Parser | Explicit Denies Support - 3:44:15 PM

Description: Third Party Enrichment mechanism of AWS IAM roles is now supporting trust policies with explicit denies overriding explicit allows.
Case ID: INT-2598
Known limitations: Explicit deny will be considered only is the statement doesn't contain any conditions. If conditions are present the mechanism will not consider the statement as an override and the overridden third party will be considered a regular third party.
Affected Components: Internal


IMPROVEMENT 3rd Party | Trust Policy Parser | NotAction - 3:43:47 PM

Description: Third Party Enrichment mechanism of AWS IAM roles is now supporting trust policies with NotAction in them.
Case ID: INT-2572
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Internal


Default ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK - IN findings-alertItems-producer/dome9-audit-alertItems-producer - 7:15:49 PM

Description: N/A
Case ID: INT-2540
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default