IMPROVEMENT Scyline Azure Audit improvements - 6:14:56 PM
Description: improve scyline azure audit logs enrichment.
Case ID: INT-2365
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Enrichment
Default Dashboard Widget - intelligence rulesets doesn't appear - 3:24:51 PM
Description: Fix - widget filter by ruleset will support intelligence rulesets
Case ID: INT-2355
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default
IMPROVEMENT Intelligence | Security alerts Graph minor issues - 7:15:16 AM
Description: added aggregation for rule name within timeline view in security alerts graph page
Case ID: INT-2215
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default
IMPROVEMENT CFT Onboarding | List of reporting accounts is not the full list - Frontend - 12:29:46 PM
Description: The view of the fourth step of the Intelligence AWS onboarding wizard was improved. There is a new table view and handling of cases were selected S3 buckets for onboarding weren’t listed properly, so the full list of accounts that store logs on the bucket isn’t known. In such cases, all of the AWS accounts onboarded to the CloudGuard account will be displayed, with a status column indicating whether Intelligence detected logs of each account or not. That way accounts there weren’t detected properly as part of the listing process of the bucket, could be enabled as well.
Case ID: INT-2161
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: UI
FEATURE client and server: display statistics tab and configure default widgets - 7:19:02 AM
Description: statistics tab for security alerts
Case ID: INT-1838
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default