

IMPROVEMENT GSL - add dcount aggregation function support - 7:50:36 AM

Description: GSL now supports distinct count of a given expression
Case ID: INT-1924
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default


FIXED Handle errors with cloud account - 10:38:38 AM

Description: N/A
Case ID: INT-1897
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: UI


IMPROVEMENT fix audit export - 10:39:17 AM

Description: currently just part of the columns are exported.
Case ID: INT-1894
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: UI


IMPROVEMENT Widgets performance - 10:39:57 AM

Description: N/A
Case ID: INT-1858
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: API


FEATURE CIEM Overprivileged Finding | Add option to see role suggestion for the consolidated policy - 10:05:12 AM

Description: When clicking on role suggestion in the CIEM overprivileged finding, the default policy will be the suggested policy for consolidated policy.
Case ID: INT-1852
Known limitations: CIEM active feature and CIEM suggestions
Affected Components: UI


IMPROVEMENT Inactive Users & Roles widget | Update filters - 10:05:20 AM

Description: Redirects on “Inactive Users & Roles” widget will redirect to findings with “Ensure inactive user for 90 days or greater are disabled”, “Unused IAM role more than 90 days” titles.
Case ID: INT-1809
Known limitations: CIEM active feature
Affected Components: UI