
IMPROVEMENT UI changes in AWS dry-run UI - 8:37:59 AM

Description: N/A
Case ID: INT-1860
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: UI


IMPROVEMENT CIEM Entitlement Map | Tooltips - 9:01:57 AM

Description: New tooltips were added to the CIEM entitlement map, in the right pane, for extra information regarding permissions status.
Case ID: INT-1849
Known limitations: Available only for clients with CIEM feature activated
Affected Components: UI


IMPROVEMENT Change message presented when the Permissions tab is empty - 9:02:02 AM

Description: There will be a new message presented in the permissions tab when there is no entitlement map. It will explain the cause of the empty map.
Case ID: INT-1741
Known limitations: Available only for clients with CIEM feature activated
Affected Components: UI