IMPROVEMENT GSL - network and activity logs | improve behavior and error when search with invalid syntax - 8:57:51 AM
Description: Whenever we have a semantic or other Db related error while running the GSL (KQL) query, an immediate error response is triggered to the client
Case ID: INT-2138
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: Default
FIXED Audits | Missing Continuous policy removal audits in the system - 1:52:23 PM
Description: Policy removal using api will be audited
Case ID: INT-2129
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: API
FEATURE CIEM | Backend Remove active feature - 4:41:41 PM
Description: CIEM Is not visible to all CG customers.
Case ID: INT-2128
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: CIEM API