Deployment June 28, 2023
fEATURE Update Notifications Integration on Alert deletion/closure - 13:00 UTC
Description: Policy unassociation will publish a closing alert with a status pass
Case ID: PLAT-8366
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: COMPLIANCE eNGINE
fixED Support Aws WorkSpace services in Mumbai - 13:00 UTC
Description: Add support for Aws WorkSpace services for Mumbai region in AWS
Case ID: DFT-2641
Known limitations: N/A
IMPROVEMENT Compliance Rulesets Update - 12:10 UTC
Description: The first Release of the AWS CSA CCM v4 Ruleset; The first release of the Alibaba CIS v1.0 Ruleset; The first release of the K8S GKE CIS v1.4 ruleset; French support for GCP best practices; New AWS and Azure rules. A complete list can be found here.
Case ID: IN-7955, DFT-2595, DFT-2585, DFT-2367, DFT-2404, DFR-2316
Known limitations: N/A
Affected Components: COMPLIANCE RULESETS